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Founded And Created Wednesday, April 11th 2018 - Updated 10-27-2022
Regarding Moshiach's Arrival or revelation, a stalemate of sorts is in play, many are "waiting" (doing nothing) to bring Moshiach. all the while the Jewish leader of our generation the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlit"a has said "i have done all i can, from here on in do all that you can to bring Moshiach".
Coming out of the Pesach Holiday - the holiday supposed to push us towards redemption ever faster -we are taking a few ideas with us:
1. we can't just wait for the redemption we need to do.
2. it's ONLY up to us.
3. we need to build the temple.
4. in order to do that, we need a Jewish King Established in Israel.
5. in order to Establish a Jewish King we need a Sanhedrin.
6. in order to establish a Sanhedrin we need to Unite the Jewish Rabbis and subsequently the Jewish people and it's Noahide allies via the leadership.
7. Right Wing Orthodox Jewish Parties within the Israeli Electoral System should unite..
Now that last 2 is something we can all work together to achieve, this coming year and election cycle, please help us in our united effort to unite the right in Israeli politics.
Contact Moshiach News Global on any question you might have:
Israel - Sanhedrin Services:
Yosef Edery
:יוסף אדרעי מייל: חב"ד: הקמת הסנהדרין
U.S. Advisory Group:
Shon Lei
United Nations - 7 Laws of Noah:
Rabbi Yaakov Cohen
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MNG: Torah Pause - G d is nor Male nor Female
MNG: Should Jews Get Involved In The Establishment Of The Sanhedrin?
MN Global; we know many Jews are thinking of what the Sanhedrin can look like and what options for education and justice will they bring? especially in the modern era. is it better? is it worse? what is the best thing to remember when thinking about establishing the Sanhedrin?
Tsahal Soldiers Dancing in Golan Heights Army Base Purim 2019
We visited an army base here in the Golan and read them megillah, it was a full house - men and women - all listening to the story of Purim to remember the miracles hashem did for us back then. we gave out around 50 Shalach Manos Sets, Spoke words of torah cracked a few jokes, Danced and sang!
The Way To Happiness
'The Jewish Nation - Going Nowhere Fast. The Torah Solution'. …and yes, it has EVERYTHING to do with hastening of the coming of the Moshiach/Messiah. Two rabbis share the opinion that its time to be a REAL LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS. BUT HOW DO WE GO ABOUT IT? -This, is where they differ.
-with guests:
Rabbi David Bar Hayim, Head of the Shiloh Institute for the research and dissemination of the TORAH of the Land of Israel. He has written a document with the idea of forming a successful Rabbinic ‘community’ in preparing the way to establish all that is needed for the Nation of Israel to enter the Messianic age that many believe we are in. You can visit his website at:
And Rabbi Yosef Edery, originally from Crown Heights Brooklyn NY, now living in the Golan Heights in Israel. He is the Founder of Moshiach News Global, which is working to forming a nascent Sanhedrin, and providing assistance to the Nation of Israel in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. You can visit his website at: www.mnglobal.or